About the Life-Saving Therapies Network 

( L.S.T.N.)

 LSTN (Life-Saving Therapies Network) is a patient-led international network of oncologists, researchers, regulators, medical ethicists, health economists and others from North America and the EU. Our mission is to enable patients with lethal diseases to have faster access to better therapies. Our initiatives are evidence-based and supported by a cross section of key players in the healthcare system internationally.

Our areas of focus include clinical research, regulatory and reimbursement reform.

Regulatory Reform

The system is wasteful, cumbersome and time consuming. There are too many agencies and bureaucratic steps required to get a treatment to a person – it’s killing people and increasing suffering. We need to speed-up access to promising therapies for lethal diseases by putting progress-centred regulations in place.


Clinical Research Reform

We need clinical trials designed to fit the treatment Treatments such as adaptive trials, real-world trials, small efficient trials for precision medicines.

We don't need more wasteful multi-year studies that sometimes mask a drug’s effectiveness. In addition, trials should include real word evidence, eligibility criteria should be more flexible, and people should be treated close to where they live.


Reimbursement Reform

The formula of lethal disease treatments approved for reimbursement should be expanded. 

Criteria for reimbursement must be simplified to give people in all socio-economic circumstances access to the best treatments.

Approval and research
policies for the treatment
of lethal diseases.